Theresa Payton, First Female White House CIO, CEO Fortalice® Solutions LLC. Author of Manipulated: Inside the Cyberwar to Hijack Elections and Distort the Truth
Modernization efforts are thrilling, energizing, and invigorating. They can also be daunting. How do you protect all of your digital assets from espionage, destruction, theft and more? Especially when your team must span both legacy and new systems, while ensuring the important mission work is done. At the White House our focus was on enabling the mission leveraging a design of zones of “no-trust”. While zero trust sounds like a destination it’s really a way of living and it’s achievable. Payton will share enduring strategies that she designed and deployed at the White House that are enduring and will assist you on your journey.
Assessing the Current Cyber Threat Landscape
Supplemental advice to help you thrive with your technology
and innovation programs while you bolster privacy and cybersecurity governance efforts in
2023 and beyond.
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