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ICIT’s Bright Minds: The Application of Zero Trust to Legacy Systems & Operational Technologies

ICIT Research

Updated: Feb 11, 2023

By Don Maclean, ICIT Fellow and Chief Cyber Security Technologist, DLT

In continued support of our mission to cultivate a cybersecurity renaissance that will improve the resiliency of our nation’s 16 critical infrastructure sectors, defend our democratic institutions, and empower generations of cybersecurity leaders, ICIT has embarked on a journey to hold candid interviews with some of the brightest minds in national security, cybersecurity, and technology. Our goal is to share their knowledge and insights with our community to shed light on solutions to the technology, policy, and human challenges facing our community. Our hope is that their words will motivate, educate, and inspire you to take on the challenges facing your organizations.

Zero Trust is a model that promises the security in environments in which the “network perimeter” is an obsolete concept. In this ICIT Bright Minds Q&A, Don Maclean, ICIT Fellow and and Chief Cyber Security Technologist, DLT, explains the challenges and benefits of applying Zero Trust paradigms to legacy and operational technology systems. In his interview, Mr. Maclean addresses:

  • The unique challenges and benefits of Zero Trust adoption

  • The importance of Zero Trust in networks facing IT-OT convergence

  • Moving beyond Zero Trust paradigms in the future

Read the Full Interview

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